Wrestling Blog
Photo Credit: Photo Bucket
 Randy in the last year has become a little stale with the Viper gimmick but one thing has not changed about Randy Orton is his match's. Randy always has great match's he is probably the best full time talent right now at having a great believable match. Randy is a prodigy of the wrestling business he is a third generation wrestler and has accomplished so much in his career already. Winning all kinds of title in the WWE and having some big main events like Wrestlemania 25. Randy Orton is far from done and will not be finished for a very long time he is still the future for this company he is talented established and eventually when WWE decides to turn Randy into a heel once again we will see Randy Orton at the very tip top once again. When it is all said and done I believe fans will look back at Randy Orton as one of the best wrestlers ever he is a complete package. A amazing look, great wrestling skills and a decent ability to talk and most important Randy has always been believable. 

Photo Credit: Mansoor Naderi
  If you ask me Christian is the most underrated and under used Professional Wrestler in the history of the business. Their is not a single part of being a pro wrestler Christian is not a master he has great speaking skills a good look charisma and the ability to have good believable match's. Christian only now after so many constant years of being entertaining is getting to work the main event. I would have wanted to see Christian a strong baby face as he should be but he has done a good job and made me believe the character WWE wants him to portray. Starting with the tag team division Christian was cutting amazing funny promos for years winning the tag belts when they meant something multiple times. When Christian went on his own and became a heel character similar in many ways to the one he portrays today. His next move was working towards the Intercontinental and European Championships. After floundering in the mid card Christian felt he needed to make it to the next level and took a major career risk and left the WWE for the newly growing TNA Wrestling where he immediately won the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at the time which is now the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Christian found the top of the card and world title but i don't know if it truly gave Christian the satisfaction he desired because after only a few short years in TNA he returned to the WWE to work on Vince McMahon's new version of ECW Wrestling where Christian soon after grabbed the ECW Championship working at the top of the smallest WWE Brand. As ECW Champion the brand was dropped by WWE to start the show NXT in the ECW TV spot. Christian was placed on the Smackdown brand where he has remained first working towards the Intercontinental Championship again but when his former tag partner Edge was forced into retirement due to medical reasons WWE saw the fans behind Christian even more now and saw it fit to give Christian the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to sell a PPV and create a storyline that I have to admit now I have very much enjoyed watching. I hope to see Christian continuing to work the main event for many more years because he is not a new face to the WWE but a new face to the WWE World title picture. 

   Like him or not Christian has been on TV for over a decade now almost every week having great match's and entertaining wrestling fans all over. Theirs no doubt he has earned the moniker Captain Charisma. 

Career Accomplishments: 

ECWA Heavyweight Championship 1 Time

NTPW Pro Tag Team Championship 1 Time With Sexton Hardcastle

TNA World Heavyweight Championship 1 Time 

WWE World Heavyweight Championship 2 Times
ECW Championship 2 Times
WWE Intercontinental Championship 3 Times
WWE Tag Team Championship 9 Times
WWE Hardcore Championship 1 Time 
WWE Light Heavyweight Championship 1 Time
Eleventh WWE Grand Slam Champion 

Twenty Third Triple Crown Champion 

Photo Credit: WWE.com
Photo Credit: WWE.com
  Cena is a huge talent like it or not one of his biggest flaw is being the biggest star in the PG era. Cena also has been so over exposed it is not even funny and has spend very little time away from the business so he may be missed. Cena's gimmick is not over with me as a fan never has been and never will be but he has his fans and draws money. Like him or not Cena has done alot for the WWE and wrestling. Cena has put on good match's but his limited style is getting played out and he feels boring but Cena has always known how to play the role he needs to play inside the ring to tell the story the match needs to tell.  

  John Cena the man not the character John Cena is a very hard working individual and a great representative for the wrestling business. He doesn't do drugs or party he just works and works hard also Cena has granted more Children's Wish's than anyone in the foundations history. If you have spent any time around a sick child who most likely will not live through the year its a deeply saddening experience and anyone who can brighten happiness too one of these kids days is a huge deal if you ask me. I understand completely this has nothing to do with the product presented in the ring but as much as I dislike a white hip hop rapper type character in wrestling and find it hard to watch Cena on TV with his tragic ring attire, I still have a huge amount of respect for the man. 

Career Accomplishments: 

OVW World Heavyweight Championship 1 Time 
OVW Southern Tag Team Championship 1 Time With Rico Constantino 

UPW Heavyweight Championship 1 Time 

WWE Championship 9 Times 
WWE World Heavyweight Championship 2 Times
WWE Unites States Championship 3 Times
WWE Tag Team Championship 4 Times
Royal Rumble Winner 2008
WWE Slammy Award Winner Super Star of The Year 2 Times 
(2009 & 2010)